eucharisteo Tuesday


5,803. rocky, snowy coasts

5,804. my Bean Boots exploring

5,805. loading in film with cold fingers

5,806. a little lighthouse on a little island

5,809. Machaela and Drue taking photos of me and Lincoln

5,810. standing in places that make me feel more alive

Once I was a faithful blogger. Maybe I’ll be a faithful blogger again one day. But for now, I’m in a season of sporadic blog posts. A week ago today, I had two conversations, one very long and one very short, that reminded me that the thanksgiving, the gratitude, the eucharisteo that I sometimes talk about online — it’s powerful. I don’t mean my words are powerful, I mean that when anyone sends a little beam of light onto the internet, no matter how small it feels, God takes these little words and photos and carries them to people who need a little hope, or a reminder of the Good.

And remembering this made me want to show back up, and share a few things from my ongoing list of blessings. Something I haven’t done in a while.

This photo was taken about a year ago, when Lincoln’s band went to play for all the smart people at Dartmouth, and it turned into an excuse to go to Maine for a day.